
Multipliesaninputvalueby2.*@param{number}inputThenumbertodouble.*@returnTheinputmultipliedby2.*@customfunction*/function ...Gettingstarted·Gettingacustomfunctionfrom...·Guidelinesforcustomfunctions,Thefirstparameterrepresentstheoriginalpriceandthesecondparameterrepresentsthediscountpercentage.Ifyou'reinalocationthat ...,Theparameterstobepassedtothefunctionbeingexecuted.Theobjecttypeforeachpara...

Custom Functions in Google Sheets

Multiplies an input value by 2. * @param {number} input The number to double. * @return The input multiplied by 2. * @customfunction */ function ... Getting started · Getting a custom function from... · Guidelines for custom functions

Custom function quickstart | Apps Script

The first parameter represents the original price and the second parameter represents the discount percentage. If you're in a location that ...

Passing parameters to google script in studion's gsuite activity

The parameters to be passed to the function being executed. The object type for each parameter should match the expected type in Apps Script.

Passing parameters from one script to another using PropertiesService

This means no exposing your webapps. Just use user/scriptproperties from the library and make a function to pass them to one of the 2 scripts.

Passing arguments parameters from a Google sheets custom ...

The only way you can get the arguments passed to the function, is by entering a valid custom function into the spreadsheet cell.

passing arguments in google apps script

Why are you declaring a variable in your function that has the same name as the function parameter that you are passing?

How to pass an entire sheet as a parameter to a Google Sheets ...

I have a Google Sheets app script that is passed the name of a sheet. Internally it pulls the data from that sheet and returns a value.

Send all columns as function parameter when calling a script

Hi All. Does anyone know if it's possible to send all columns as as single function parameter when using bots to call a script? I have a basic CRM app.

noob question

Is there a proper way or more convenient way to see the parameter types of functions? For example, I want ot user GmailApp.

JavaScript Functions, Parameters - Google Apps Script

This video covers JavaScript functions, different ways to declare functions, function arguments, calling functions, return keyword and more.